We are recruiting Haywood County (HC) Registered Republicans to join the “America First” historic movement and be a part of the generation that will go down in history as the generational movement that saved our freedoms, liberties, and Constitutional Republic.
“Join our freedom movement army by attending either or both of two crucial upcoming events.”
The Annual Precinct meetings will be held at the HC Republican Party Headquarters, 297 N. Haywood Street, Waynesville. Given the limited parking space in the County Republican HQ parking lot, please be aware that plenty of parking spaces are available across the street in the strip mall’s parking lot.
At this meeting, you, as a registered Haywood County (HC) Republican voter, will elect your next Precinct Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary. These three individuals will be your link to the county Republican Party. They will be your source of information regarding Republican Party initiatives, events, and activities and serve as Precinct team leaders to prepare for the upcoming 2026 Mid-Term elections.
The 2026 Mid-Term elections will be critical in maintaining the momentum needed to continue implementing President Trump’s “Make America Great Again” agenda and codify as many of his common-sense Executive Orders as possible.
Along with electing Precinct leadership, you can register to be a Delegate or Alternate to the annual HC Republican Party Convention to be held on March 1st – there will be a ten-dollar registration fee. As a delegate, you will:
Represent your precinct at the convention and vote on who will lead the county party for the next two years;
Vote on Resolutions submitted for consideration that impact the County Party’s conduct, effectiveness, and proficiency;
Hear State and Federal elected officials speak about the legislative actions being taken that will directly impact your life; and
Hear a presentation about the Article V – Convention of States movement to propose Amendments to the Constitution to permanently reign in our out-of-control government and forever change how Washington governs.
Suppose you cannot attend the Annual Precinct Meeting on February 15th but wish to be considered for election as a Precinct officer or as a Delegate/Alternate to the March 1st Haywood County Republican Party convention. In that case, you may do so by:
Submitting a notice, via email, of your desire to be a nominee for any one of these positions to the HC Republican Party Chair, Rick Stello, at chairmanhcgop@gmail.com (please be mindful that you must submit your notice no later than 5:00 P.M. on February 12th)
You can submit your name as a nominee to be a Delegate during the registration process before the start of the Annual HC County GOP Convention on March 1st between 10:00 a.m. and 10:45 a.m.
The notice must include:
Your full legal name;
Phone number;
Email address; and
Position(s) you wish to be considered for election to.
Although you DO NOT have to be present at your Precinct Meeting to be eligible to be a Delegate or Alternate at the County Convention, priority will be given to those elected at their Precinct Meeting.
For the first meeting, the registration period will be from 9:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., with the meeting beginning at 10:05 a.m. Anyone arriving after 10:00 a.m. can attend the meeting but cannot vote on elected offices or issues. This meeting will be for registered voters residing in the Allens Creek, Beaverdam 1, Beaverdam 2, Beaverdam 3, Beaverdam 4, Beaverdam 5/6, Beaverdam 7, Big Creek, Cecil, Clyde North, Clyde South, Crabtree, East Fork, Fines Creek 1, Fines Creek 2, and Hazelwood Precincts.
Participants in the first meeting are requested to depart the office as soon as possible after adjournment to allow time to set up for the second meeting.
For the second meeting, the registration period will be between 11:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m., with the meeting beginning at 11:35 a.m. Anyone arriving after 11:30 a.m. can attend the meeting but cannot vote on issues. This meeting will be for registered voters residing in the Iron Duff, Ivy Hill, Jonathan Creek, Lake Junaluska, Pigeon, Pigeon Center, Saunook, Waynesville Center, Waynesville East, Waynesville South 1, Waynesville South 2, Waynesville West, and White Oak Precincts.
The Annual Precinct meetings are not anticipated to last longer than thirty minutes.
These meetings are open only to Haywood County registered Republican voters.
Saturday, March 1st
Haywood County Republican Party
Annual Convention
On March 1st, the Haywood County Republican Party will hold its annual County Convention at the historic Haywood County Court House, 215 N Main Street, in downtown Waynesville.
If possible, please Pre-Register to attend the County Convention (see link at bottom). If, for any reason, you are not able to Pre-Register, on-site registration will be conducted on March 1st between 10:00 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. The convention activities will commence at 11:00 a.m.
Attendance will be solely restricted to Registered Haywood County Republicans.
At the annual Haywood County Republican Party convention, the following activities will take place:
Discuss and vote on the Haywood County Republican Party’s 2025 platform;
Discuss and vote on proposed Resolutions* submitted by registered Haywood County Republican voters for consideration; and,
Elect Haywood County Republican Party’s Chair, Vice-Chair, Second Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer, all of whom will serve for a two-year term.
Pending confirmation, NC House District 11 Representative Chuck Edwards, Senate District 50 Senator Kevin Corbin, and NC District 47 Senator Ralph Hise are scheduled to speak and provide legislative updates. There is also a strong possibility that NC District 11 Republican Party Chair Michele Woodhouse will address the convention.
Our Keynote Speaker will be Jeff Groh. Jeff is a member of the NC Convention of States Action movement leadership team and a Regional Captain for the NC Mountain Region. He will provide an educational presentation on the Constitution, emphasizing Article V— “Convening a Convention of States”—to propose Amendments to the Constitution to reign in our out-of-control federal government’s spending and jurisdictional overreach and impose term limits.
To actively participate in voting at the Precinct Meetings or the HC Republican Convention or to be eligible to be a Delegate/Alternate to the HC Republican Convention, you must be a registered Republican in Haywood County on January 31st, 2025.
(Exceptions: You turned 18 or moved to Haywood County within 30 days before the Precinct Meetings.)
Pre-register for attendance at either or both the Annual Precinct Meeting/County Convention by clicking on:
On this pre-registration form, you can indicate your desire to be a Delegate/Alternate to the District and/or State Conventions OR, you can indicate that you want to be considered as a Delegate/Alternate to the District and/or State Conventions during Registration at the County Convention.
If you do not plan to attend the Convention but wish to be a Delegate/Alternate to the District and/or State Conventions, you can email the HC Republican Party Chair, Rick Stello, at chairmanhcgop@gmail.com and so advise him.
Resolutions are being solicited for consideration at the Haywood County Republican Party’s annual convention.
Suppose you have any concerns or issues regarding any aspect of the Haywood County Republican Party and would like to propose Resolutions to correct those concerns. In that case, you are strongly urged to submit those proposed Resolutions to me, Le Cossette, at cossettele@gmail.com or to the current Chair of the Haywood County Republican Party, Rick Stello, at chairmanhcgop@gmail.com for inclusion for debate during the Convention.
Finally, if you have any questions regarding the upcoming annual Precinct meeting or Haywood County Republican Party Convention, please do not hesitate to contact me at either cossettele@gmail.com or 251-979-3803.
If you call, please leave a voicemail; like many of you, I do not answer calls from unknown numbers. I will get back to you as soon as possible.