Remember when America was a Nation governed by the people, for the people, and of the people? Well, in just a few short days, that will no longer be a memory but, once again, a reality. On January 20th, Donald Trump will be back in the White House, and the restoration of what the Founding Fathers envisioned will begin.
We, the citizens of this great Nation, must not forget that this is precisely what the Socialist-

Democrats, RHINO Republicans, and their elitist allies in Washington, D.C., DO NOT want for our country.
After being humiliated by their embarrassing landslide defeat in November, the radical Left will now do anything within their power to ensure that the American people remain subservient to the federal government and out of power. You can be assured that they will work tirelessly to block any of President Trump’s America First policies to promote their disastrous socialist-communist agenda. They have already accumulated a war chest of millions of dollars to file lawsuits against every America First policy President Trump attempts to implement.

America and the America First MAGA movement have made our voices heard loud and clear - our country’s government works for us, not the other way around as they would have you believe.
But if we let our guard down for even a second, the Socialist-Democrat Party will jump at the opportunity to drive our Nation down its path of destruction.
The Republican Party is not fighting for our Party or any politician within our Party; we are fighting for every American citizen—the very people who helped make this country Great—each one of you!

President Trump has vowed to fight the radical left and their destructive agenda with every legal tool available to him, and that includes placing America First-minded leadership within every federal department and agency.
But he cannot face the radical Left alone. He needs you and every other red-blooded patriot by his side as he works to deliver on his promises.

So, if you’re tired of being lied to, manipulated, and ignored, we of the Haywood County Republican Party are humbly asking you to join this historic movement and stand with President Trump while we still have a country worth fighting for!