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Writer's picture: LeRoy CossetteLeRoy Cossette

Today, we are thirty-eight days out from President Trump’s historic, political-shattering reelection, given the Democrat Party and Administrative State/Swamp’s no-holds-barred determination to destroy, decimate, and defeat President Trump.

But regardless of what they threw at him, they failed because of President Trump’s indomitable spirit and because “We the People” had a very different view of this man than did the corrupt leadership of the Democrat Party and the Deep State.

His win was a win for our Constitutional Republic and the people of this great Nation and has created a swell of enthusiasm among the citizenry like never before.

But make no mistake; although Trump’s stunning victory will go down in history as one of the greatest comeback stories of all time, the restoration of our Constitutional Republic as envisioned by our Founding Fathers is not yet assured.

The challenges and roadblocks Trump will face will be many and complex at best.

President Trump will be inaugurated in just eight days, ending an out-of-control, lawless Administration. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are packing their bags. They and their woke socialist ideologies are finally leaving.

So now the question is, “For how long?”

 How long before our patriotic enthusiasm fades back to the pre-Bide era apathy that got us to the point of the near collapse of our Constitutional Republic into a Socialist- Communist governing system?

 How long before the patriotic enthusiasm that witnessed the overwhelming active support for President Trump’s election wanes and we return to ignoring what is occurring within our government?

 How long before the patriotic enthusiasm needed to ensure that we never undergo another attempt to destroy our Constitutional Republic is lost?”

We can trust that President Trump and his Administration will implement mechanisms to prevent what has happened to our country over the past four years. But keep in mind the level of undying determination of the Socialist-Communist Party to transform our Republic into another failed socialist-communist haven.

We can sit back and rejoice in the profound victory we just witnessed on November 5th. We should because we, the citizens of this country, finally opened our eyes to what was occurring within the political arena and finally said, “Enough.” Americans finally got off their couches, became engaged, and got out to vote in record numbers—tens of thousands of middle-aged adults for the first time.

Unfortunately, we Americans are quick to forget.

I fear that many who finally got out and voted to oust a corrupt regime will quickly assume all is well now and we can relax and get back to living our lives.


Donald Trump is only the spearhead to ending the unconstitutional, corrupt governance of our country.

But his efforts can vanish in just one election if the Democrats regain government control. We cannot let this happen.

The only way to ensure that another corrupt rogue administration does not rescind President Trump's implementation of “Make America Great Again” initiatives is for each one of us to remain engaged and involved to ensure that constitutional conservative Republicans retain power.

To accomplish this goal, we need registered Republican voters to become involved and stay informed about the real issues and how they impact their lives.

To this end, I strongly encourage you to start and continue attending your County Republican Party meetings.

You will:

 Be able to engage with like-minded, common-sense County residents.

 Have the opportunity to hear and ask questions of guest speakers who are elected

officials or other individuals who have political influence in Haywood County and beyond;

 Meet individuals who are candidates for various offices and ask them questions regarding how they will improve your lives and our nation; and

 Learn and understand how you, as one individual, can make a difference.

United, we are strong and unbeatable, but first, we must ensure that we are truly united, involved, and engaged and will never again allow for another socialist administration to govern our free and liberty-loving American citizens.

The ball is in your court. What are you going to do?

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