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Writer's pictureLeRoy Cossette

Government Corruption: Where Should the People Stand?

a photo of people passing money reflecting government corruption

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The government is devised by people who desire and aim to provide only the best for others. But what should people, involved or excluded, do when government corruption exists?

“… this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.”


This is a fraction of what the then US President Abraham Lincoln stated in his speech honoring the lives of those who perished in the Battle of Gettysburg. The impactful message gave prominence to the ideology that all men are equal and should be treated, and likewise, treat each other equally.


Fueled by the anguish of witnessing men who were supposed to fight for a common objective go against each other, Lincoln pressed that the nation and its governing body must reconstruct what it truly means by freedom and democracy. While conveying what he meant and perceived relevant at the moment, he also resurrected the true essence of the Declaration of Independence.


For the People, By the People


Indeed, democracy is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.


Take note of what has been repeated and duly emphasized in Lincoln’s speech and the Declaration of Independence: people. This word may not be as technical as the other political jargon. But it’s among the most potent terminology and figures in society.


People comprise any organizations or societal bodies. They’re the foundation of civilization, the reason it exists and continues progressing. Without people, everything will cease to exist, and the same holds true for society and its government. As a societal body composed of individuals who work together to bring consequential changes to a population, people are of the essence.


People established the government.


The brave and wise ones defend and develop the government.


But at the same time, it’s the corrupt and vile ones that destroy it.


Yet Demolished by the People


When governments are established for the people, by the people, it’s always them who cause their downfall. Government corruption exists because of one thing, and that is people.

Society can discuss corruption in detail and provide an exhaustive list of why it persists and materializes regardless of who’s in position. However, the bottom line is that one way or another, the common causes of corruption are almost always associated with humanity. Whether it’s because they abuse power or simply a lack of accountability for the errors in their perceptions of authority, people are liable for government corruption. It happens because of their erroneous execution of authority.


When the people build the government, its deconstruction also occurs in the people’s hands.


The government crumbles because of its lack of transparency and accountability and its inability to honor the importance of good governance. Fortunately, what’s deconstructed by the people may be reconstructed by the same hands. With their influence, people can play a part in solving government corruption.


Government Corruption From an Ordinary Man’s Lens


Author LeRoy Cossette has discussed people’s importance in achieving good governance. Beyond electing the right people and ensuring they deliver their promises, people also take part in holding authorities accountable when mishaps occur. This emphasizes how one of the most vital characteristics of good governance revolves around its people.


LeRoy Cossette pens what can be ultimately defined as a book capturing the chaos in the United States. As a book about American insanity, the author addresses how most of its citizens hold an apathetic, almost indifferent perspective on the government system. Despite the glaring abuse of power in the government, most have chosen not to care whether they’re being deceived. They can look past the lack of transparency and accountability and act like none matters.


In the book, LeRoy paints a picture of how society and its governmental body have changed over the years. He compares America then to the chaos it has now. American Insanity reflects the madness that dwells in political corruption and how people can leave it be. The author calls for action, believing that the nation’s strength rests upon society’s union-based essence. Since it’s devised by the people and aimed to help people, then the same individuals must ensure the nation is preserved and defended.


The Part People Play in Achieving Good Governance


Abuse of power in the government is prevalent, so much so that government corruption might as well be expected as usual. However, regardless of their position in society, people have the authority and capacity to redirect the nation toward the proper direction.


There is power in numbers. When people convene and work for the same objective, the force they’ll create becomes indomitable even to the most corrupt officials. But, of course, to execute this, people must first educate themselves about the common governmental red flags. They must accustom themselves to the causes and characteristics of corruption. In identifying these, they can quickly devise means to combat and revert the nation’s state to the appropriate one.


People can contribute to resolving political corruption by demanding transparency and accountability from these authorities. It’s their right to know what’s happening to the systems and laws they’ll be directly involved in. Hence, they must learn to voice their concerns and firmly press for the government’s prompt and appropriate response.


Number matters, but amplifying their voices seals the deal.


People aren’t simply expected to turn up as a crowd but must fight for what they believe is right. The first step is to educate each other and make everyone feel heard. Even the smallest actions can become interconnected and lead to more impactful movements for change.

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