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How Washington Elitists, Politicians, & "We The People" are

Driving Our Constitutional Republic to Suicide.

American Insanity
American Insanity Book Cover
American Insanity

"American Insanity," addresses the inept, corrupt, and criminal acts occurring within our federal government; the apathetic attitude of our citizens; a failed two party political system that no longer supports or protects our Judeo-Christian values; a Congress which has lost its moral compass, strength and courage to stand against those who would see our Republic fall; elected officials who lack the leadership, statesmanship, and moral character to set-aside their power-hungry appetites in order to unify America, save our Constitutional Republic, and our Judeo-Christian values; and the lack of leaders with the will, strength, & courage to serve “We the People” with honor & integrity. To order your copy go to:


American Insanity by LeRoy (Le) Cossette | BookBaby Bookshop 

Amazon.com : American insanity by Leroy Cossette

(barnesandnoble.com) "American Insanity" by LeRoy Cossette





I invite you to subscribe to my Blog where I provide updated information regarding the corruption and criminal activities of the Washington Politicians, Bureaucrats, and the Elitists-Globalists who control our governing system and are destroying our heritage and culture. Information which main street media will not report or reports in a manner which fits the Marxist Democrat Party's narrative. I further discuss how American citizen's apathy has allowed this evil to flourish in our Nation.

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America has never been so divided since the civil war. Elected officials at the very top of our government’s hierarchy, who have promised to equally represent all Americans and bring unity back to our country, are failing to even attempt to unite us. Rather, they are the very ones who are creating the chaos, disparities, and circumstances that have only further divided our citizens.


Our Constitutional Republic is at serious risk of being destroyed by these evil, corrupt politicians and elitists who wish to see our Republic transformed into a Marxist-Communist Nation. The Bank of Justice in America is bankrupt. Our federally funded public school system is no longer educating our children but are rather indoctrinating them into believing that there is no God, therefore there are no God given rights, only rights government deems its citizens worthy of, if we provide appropriate reverence to the government.


We are no longer the United States of America but rather the Divided States of America.




Our Nation is at a critical juncture in its history. Freedoms and liberties are eroding. Career politicians, prioritizing their personal and party interests, are spending money we do not have and infringing upon the constitutional rights of the sovereign states of the United States of America.


These politicians have strayed far from the consent of the people. They have lost touch with their constituents, and their service to our nation lacks honor and integrity.


We need only look at the sacrifices made by our young, often at the cost of their lives or life-changing wounds, to realize the shame we should all be feeling towards the federal government as it now exists. If we ask kids under 21 to risk their lives for our Republic, should we not honor their sacrifices by working tirelessly to preserve what they fought and died for?


But is it too late? No! If we are willing to step out of our comfort zones, rise from our couches, and actively participate in the governance of our great Nation. Each of us must contribute our time and effort to ensure that we can proudly say, “I did my part.”


As citizens of our beloved Republic, we hold the power to alter the course of this country. It is our collective action that will steer us towards a brighter future.


We must take action to limit the length of time any elected or unelected federal government official is allowed to serve in senior leadership roles. This would limit the harm a poor-performing, corrupt, or socialist-communist-minded official can inflict on our Republic. We must seek to impose Term Limits through a new amendment to the Constitution.


We must take action to restrict taxpayer dollars' spending on politically ridiculous, inappropriate, self-serving initiatives, restrict our hard-earned money's spending on foreign entities that are our adversaries, restrict our tax dollars' spending on never-ending wars, and end funding the needs of foreign governments and their citizens at the cost of our veterans, seniors, and poor families who need help. We must seek to rein in out-of-control federal spending through a new amendment restricting unjustified and inappropriate expenditures.


We must restrict the federal government's ability to continuously overreach, through crushing regulations, into the everyday affairs of the sovereign state within our Union. We must remind those in the bloated federal bureaucracy that most function without constitutional authority and that the Constitution gives them minimal power over the sovereign states. We must add a new amendment to the Constitution that will limit federal jurisdiction over the sovereign states of the United States of America.


We accomplish these changes by convening a convention of states under Article V of the Constitution as advocated by the Convention of States Action movement, which is working tirelessly to this end. This movement needs hard-working, patriotic volunteers to help us bring about this endeavor. There is something that fits everyone’s available time, talents, and willingness to participate.


It's crucial to remember that only we, the citizens of this great Nation, can change our dysfunctional federal government. We can begin today by contacting our state Convention of States Action organization and volunteering to participate in this vital process.


Please take a few minutes out of your busy schedules to contact your state legislators and strongly encourage them to support the passage of a Resolution calling for convening a convention of states to address the above issues.

Book about American Insanity


Our fight is not only to save our Constitutional Republic but to save it as written and intended by our Founding Fathers; to inspire the next generation to love and appreciate our Constitution and to continue the fight to preserve our Constitutional Republic.


If we fail to save and inspire the next generation, then we have failed the United States, and our Republic is lost.



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