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Writer's picture: LeRoy CossetteLeRoy Cossette

Congressional Approval

The most recent polling data from August 2024 put the 118th Congress at Congress’ lowest-ever approval rating average of 19 percent. Additionally, public confidence in the ability of the Republican and Democratic parties to work together has decreased drastically between 2008 and 2022, with nearly 60 percent of Americans having no confidence the parties can govern in a bipartisan way.

Americans tend to see Congress as a group of ineffectual politicians who are out of touch with their constituents. Despite the current 118th Congress having a historic share of women and being the most diverse Congress in American history, very little has been done to improve Americans' opinions of its federal governing body and system.

America’s Challenges

The most significant challenges we face today, although they appear overwhelming, are reasonably uncomplicated and straightforward. We have a Congress which has:

A spending addiction, which can be brought under control by requiring it to function within a restricted budget;

An addiction to power through unconstitutional overreach into the affairs of the individual states, which can be tempered by restricting and more clearly defining its constitutional jurisdiction;

Lost its moral compass, which can be corrected by re-instituting the Judeo-Christian values upon which our Nation’s governing system was founded and by protecting our American culture and heritage.

A New Birth

The recently elected 47th President of the United States has made sweeping promises to begin dismantling our bloated, dysfunctional, and unaccountable federal bureaucracy, poising the United States to, in Barack Obama’s words, “fundamentally transform the United States of America.” This will hopefully be done by undoing huge swaths of existing unconstitutional departments and agencies and bringing accountability to those who have forgotten that they serve the people, not their own interests and endeavors.

Fantasy or Reality

Whether this newly elected President and his dream team administration will succeed in bringing about these desperately needed changes remains to be seen. What is known is that any changes they are successful at implementing will always be subject to reversal by future administrations.

To truly transform America back to the governing philosophy intended by the Founding Fathers will take more than any President can accomplish alone. What will be needed to shore down any positive changes to our governing system, which the incoming 47th President does achieve, is a mechanism to ensure that America is forever returned to government “For, By, and Of the People.”


That mechanism is found under Article V of the Constitution, which allows the citizens of this Republic, through our State Representatives, to call for the convening of a Convention of States (COS) to propose the addition of Amendments to the Constitution, which will ensure the survival of our Republic as envisioned by our Founding Fathers.

Now, more than ever, every freedom-loving citizen of North Carolina and every other state within the Union must renew our efforts to accomplish this mission. To this end, we all must begin to make frequent contact with state representatives and demand the passage of a Resolution calling for convening a Convention of States under Article V to consider proposing Amendments addressing Term Limits, Restricting Federal Spending, and Constraining Federal Jurisdiction.

Bait and Switch

Although America’s concerns are simple and straightforward, the road forward to resolving those concerns will not be easy, as has been demonstrated repeatedly over the past several years. This was callously demonstrated earlier this week when North Carolina (NC) State Senators brazenly misled the COS organization’s leadership and the over ninety-five thousand NC COS-supporting constituents into believing they were poised to pass JHR 235, the resolution championed by the COS organization calling for the convening of a Convention of States to address all of the abovementioned challenges under American challenges.

Instead, NC Senators did what has led to politicians' poor approval ratings and constituents' low confidence that elected politicians are individuals of integrity and honor who will stand by their word, tarnishing their reputation as true representatives of the people.

Our NC Senators made the politically unwise choice to, once again, fail their constituents by not bringing JHR 235 to the floor for a vote as promised through hints and insinuations but rather bringing to the floor a watered-down version of JHR 235, HJR 151.

HJR 151 is a single-issue resolution that only addresses term limits. It is sponsored by a little-known organization with little to no grassroots support. Far short of what this Nation needs to survive as a functional Republic.

Never Give Up - Ever

However, we must not be discouraged or give up the fight to restore sanity to our governing system and body. Instead, we must use this setback as justification for our crusade and as an incentive to work even harder at growing our grassroots movement by engaging our family members, friends, and neighbors and educating them on why this movement is crucial to the survival of our Constitutional Republic.

For more information regarding the Convention of States Action organization and movement, why a convention of states is necessary and safe, how you can become involved as an active volunteer, and to sign the petition in support of convening a convention of states, please take a minute and go to https://conventionofstates.com/event_petitions.

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Dec 19, 2024

That is a great article thanks for this information

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Eric Jess Osborn
Dec 16, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

This has been very well written and I applauded you. I would be very much in support of a Convention of States organization as you describe. It is past time that America is returned to Government "For, By, and Of the People." I believe term limits is a must!

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