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Writer's picture: LeRoy CossetteLeRoy Cossette

It seems odd that Palestinian Islamist supporters would be on the same side as the far-Left: Transgenders; gays; and queers, etc. are for the most part far-Left.

If anybody who was an American student in Gaza or the West Bank and said Hamas sucks, they’d be shot. If they had purple hair, and they were trans with a ring in their nose, they’d be shot.

If somebody leaves the Middle East on a student visa or a green card, why are they leaving? They’re leaving because of corruption, poverty, tyranny, autocracy—and they’re going to where?

The United States, where they can be secure, prosperous, and free.

Once here in our universities what are they cheering for? Those same governments they left behind. The longer they’re in college and the more degrees they receive, the more they think they’re educated, and the more callous, vicious, and cruel they become.

An American voter is not going to feel, after what they’ve been witnessing, that they want somebody from Gaza, Palestine, Syria, Iraq, or maybe even Egypt, coming to the United States on a green card and a visa.

Because when they arrive, they are thankful for the security and freedom they can experience, but within months they’re out in the street tearing down pictures of Jewish captives.

Maybe it’s the fact that global endowments to our universities are anywhere between $35 to $60 billion. Maybe there’s too much money for the Center for Palestinian Studies, or the Center for Diversity, Equity, Integration, at these universities.

Maybe it’s time to get the federal government out of the student loan business and let these huge endowments back their own loans. Then maybe all those crazy worthless majors would be dropped.

Maybe the moral hazard would be where it always should be—with the university. Maybe we should tax their endowment income because they’re not nonpartisan—they’re actually indoctrination.

The old argument for the university is “we’re creating a highly intelligent, highly educated population, which is necessary for democracy.” Now people are looking at this and saying, “No, Covid showed us how warped science is on the campus. The people are seeing that a lot of these universities are creating activists instead of scholars.

Most people no longer believe that higher education is a necessity. Faculty rating is below that of used car salesmen.

The United States has diverged into oppressors/oppressed, victimizers/victims, and colonialist/subject. In that breakdown, Israel is now constructed as white, capitalist, successful, and Western oppressors. The Palestinians are the victims, non-white, poor, and exploited. There is no nuance.

That’s why Black Lives Matters (BLM) has posters of gliders glorifying mass death. That’s why we have Palestinian students resonating with their chants of “from the river to the sea.” That’s why we have trans people for Gaza. They all feel that they’re exempt, because as victims they are expressing anger.

University faculty are no more than Doctor Frankenstein’s creating Frankenstein monsters with their admissions, their curriculum, and their Left-wing dogma. That monster is now devouring them.

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