We are just twelve days out from the start of early voting in Haywood County on October 17th and thirty-one days out from election day on November 5th, 2024. This is the most crucial election in our country's history, as it will determine whether the United States remains a Constitutional Republic or is transformed into another third-world Marxist-Communist country.
It is time for us to reflect on the alarming success of the Democratic Party, which always seems to be one step ahead of us. Despite the adverse hardships and denigration of our Constitutional rights, they continue to outperform us and control the narrative.
The answer, my fellow conservatives, lies in the fact that, unlike the Democrats, Republicans are significantly more apathetic and unwilling to become engaged and involved with the governance of our Nation.
As the Haywood County Republican Party Election Integrity Coordinator, I am responsible for recruiting poll observers to observe election processing at all our county election sites. Observers who will act as the eyes and ears of the Republican Party to ensure fair and honest elections in Haywood County.
In Haywood County, there are 16,000 plus registered Republicans.
After seven weeks of reaching out to as many Haywood County Republicans as possible via email, voice mail, texts, and in-person contacts, I have only been able to recruit forty-four individuals who had the patriotism and concern for the survival of our Constitutional Republic to step up and answer the call. This is only .002% of registered Republicans in Haywood County.
This is disgraceful and a sure path to the end of our God-given freedoms, liberties, and rights under our Constitutional Republic. It is a sure path to the transformation of our Nation into a tyrannical and oppressive Marxist-Communist form of governance. Yet, those who could keep this from happening prefer to stay in their comfort zone and sit on the couch doing nothing while complaining about all the hardships imposed upon them.
There is still time, but very little, to suppress your apathy and allow your patriotism toward the most extraordinary God-fearing nation on earth to rise by stepping up to volunteer for just four short hours during the upcoming election as a Poll Observer.
With deepest sincerity, I thank those of you who have shown the willingness to sacrifice your valuable time for this critical effort. For those of you who have yet to make this vital decision to volunteer as a Poll Observer, I implore you to consider doing so seriously.
Should you decide to join the other forty-four Patriots and volunteer to cover a shift on election day, November 5th, please download the Excel document below for your review. If there is a location, day, and time that you would be willing to volunteer, please email that information to cossettele@gmail.com, and I will get you scheduled and trained as a Poll Observer.
Remember, we must Fight, Fight, Fight to save our Constitutional Republic.