America is at a critical juncture where we must urgently address the alarming erosion of our freedoms and liberties. This decline directly results from career politicians prioritizing their interests over preserving our republic.
Their actions do not align with the caliber of true patriots, past and present, who have served our nation with honor and integrity to preserve our Republic.
The NC Convention of States Action (COS) movement has diligently worked towards this responsibility. Our goal is to rally NC legislators to pass an Article V resolution to propose amendments imposing fiscal restraints on government runaway spending, limiting the power and jurisdiction of an overreaching federal government, and limiting their terms of office, eliminating career politicians who have become totally disconnected from the people.
As NC COS volunteers and state legislators, we need only look to the sacrifices made by countless young Americans. Their unwavering commitment to preserving our Republic, often at the cost of their lives, should inspire our advocacy and action.

According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, 7.3% of Americans serve on active duty. Of that, approximately 15% engage in combat, of which .02% are KIA, and 3.5% are WIA. Of those who serve in combat, 61% are 21 years old or younger. No more than kids but willing to put their very lives at stake to do their patriotic duty to preserve our freedoms and liberties.
When we ask 18 to 21-year-olds to risk their lives for our Republic, how can we and our state legislators not honor their sacrifices by working tirelessly to preserve what they fought and died for?
We must diligently convince NC state legislators to pass HJR 235 to honor those young adults. They truly took to heart their responsibility to preserve our Republic and now, we must, in turn, unite and do no less.
NC citizens can make this happen by actively participating in this mission. Take a minute to contact State Senators to encourage them to support the passage of HJR 235.