Submitted to the Mountaineer on December 22, 2023
Ms. Moe submitted a letter to the Editor at the Mountaineer which was published on December 20th. In her letter she expresses a great deal of admiration for Joe Biden, alleging that he had accomplish great things for our Country and the World. Thanks to Scott Muirhead who brought the OpEd letter to my attentions, at his request, I have submitted a rebuttal to her absurd assertions. Article reads as follows.
As one who spends every day researching news reports, I must respond to Ms. Virginia Moe’s Letter to the Editor, which contained numerous factual errors.
Ms. Moe’s asserts that the avg price of gas dropped $1.60 per gal in 2023 over 2022. This is incorrect. The avg price of gas was $4.09 in 2022 & dropped to $3.50 in 2023, a $0.59 drop. Minimal compared to the avg price of gas in 2020, which was at $2.17 per Gal. The avg price of gas, since Biden took office, is $1.33 per gal higher than before he assumed office. A huge financial burden on most Americans.
In regard to job growth, COVD created massive layoffs in 2020, raising the unemployment rate from 3.67% in 2019 to 8.05% in 2020.
Those laid off due to COVID returned to work bringing that rate down to 3.5% in 2023, a 0.17% difference over 2019.
Ms. Moe’s assertion that Biden had the strongest two-year job growth in history is flawed. Job growth is not individuals returning to work, job growth is an increase in newly created jobs.
Biden’s 6 major infrastructure proposals: transportation, utilities, pollution, innovation, in-home care & buildings were scaled back or eliminated in the bipartisan plan which eventually passed. The problem, House Democrats loaded the infrastructure measure with climate change spending.
Biden’s expansion of health care for veterans only affected female veterans by extending mammography eligibility, increased life-saving tests for women, & breast cancer screening & treatment for female veterans. Female veterans only make up 17.3% of our military forces.
Reduced Terrorism? With 8+ million illegal immigrants entering over the southern border over the past 3 years, none of whom we know their intentions, means a terrorist attack on American is not a matter of if, but when.
Overcome military, economic, & energy threats? Think Afghanistan, Ukraine, Israel-Hamus. All failures which occurred under Biden’s watch. Record high inflation, oil dependence on unfriendly countries, a depleted military force unable to meet recruitment goals which does not promote peace through strength.
Is the country & world better off with Biden? I think not!
That CNN cool aid is pretty strong
Well done!
You can't fix stupid.
Some people still think Roosevelt is still in charge.