Suppose you are a registered Republican in Haywood County who fails to uphold your civic responsibility to the governance of our county, state, and country. In that case, you allow yourself to be irrelevant to the political process governing your everyday life and well-being.
We Republicans have just witnessed a historic moment in our Nation's history with the election of Donald Trump as our 47th President. This landmark moment has removed the yoke of impending socialism and may return our Nation to the Constitutional Republic envisioned by our Founding Fathers; return our country to a sovereign Nation with the closing of our borders; deportation of illegal immigrants who are committing horrendous crimes against our citizens; gain control of the lawlessness occurring in our significant metropolises; return our independence from adversary foreign countries for our energy needs; return economic sanity through lower prices for all of our daily needs; and bring back prosperity to the citizens of this great Nation.
I highlight the word may because if we, the citizens of Haywood County and every other county in the US, do not become and stay engaged in the governing of our Nation, we will soon again find ourselves under the lawless and incompetent rule of the Socialist-Democrat extremists.
This must not be allowed to occur but can only be prevented if we are willing to become united as one immovable force against such sacrilegious attacks against our Constitution, culture, and heritage.
Each of you can and must become relevant to our nation's governance. You can begin this crucial journey by marking two important dates on your calendar.
Saturday, February 15th
On this day, the Haywood County Republican Party will hold its annual Precinct meeting. The Precincts are the backbone of the Republican Party.
This meeting is open only to Haywood County registered Republican voter. At this meeting you will elect your Precinct (i.e. Allens Creek, Beaver Dam, Canton, etc.) Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary, who will serve as your representatives of the Republican Party for the next two years.
These individuals are tasked with maintaining communications with you to keep you informed regarding Haywood County Republican Party activities and events, advise you of election dates, times, and locations, provide you with information on the candidates running for the various offices, and answer any questions you may have regarding the Republican Party and upcoming elections.
At the Precinct meeting, you can register to be a Delegate to the annual Haywood County Republican Party convention representing your Precinct, which will be held on March 1st. You will also receive pertinent updates that affect you and your Precinct.
There are twenty-nine Precincts in Haywood County. Given the space that will be available, we may have two separate meetings. Approximately half of the Precincts may meet early on Saturday morning, possibly 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.; the rest may meet later that morning, possibly 11:00 a.m. to 12 Noon, possibly meeting at the Haywood County Republican Headquarters. Times and location are still being worked out, but as soon as I am made aware of the actual times and location, I will send that information to you.
Saturday, March 1st
On this date, the Haywood County Republican Party will hold its annual County Convention. Attendance will be solely restricted to Registered Haywood County Republicans. This convention serves to:
Unify our party’s members;
Generate party pride;
Discuss party issues;
Hear political influencers speak on relevant topics;
Update you on the state of the Haywood County Republican Party;
Discuss and vote on the Haywood County Republican Party’s 2025 platform;
(Voting is restricted to those individuals who register as Delegates at the Precinct meeting);
Discuss and vote on proposed Resolutions* submitted by registered Republican voters for consideration;
(Voting is restricted to those individuals who register as Delegates at the Precinct meeting);
Vote for Haywood County Republican Party’s Chair, Vice-Chair, Second Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer, all of whom will serve for a two-year term.
(Voting is restricted to those individuals who register as Delegates at the Precinct meeting.)
So, make it a point to attend the Precinct meeting on February 15th so that you can register to be a Delegate and have a voice in the leadership of the Haywood County Republican Party for the next two years.
Resolutions are being solicited for consideration at the Haywood County Republican Party’s annual convention. Suppose you have any concerns or issues regarding any aspect of the Haywood County Republican Party and would like to propose Resolutions to correct those concerns. In that case, you are strongly urged to submit those proposed Resolutions to either me, Le Cossette, at cossettele@gmail.com or to the current Chair of the Haywood County Republican Party, Rick Stello, at teamstello@gmail.com for inclusion during the Convention.
If you have any questions regarding our upcoming annual Precinct meeting or the annual Haywood County Republican Party Convention, please do not hesitate to contact me at either cossettele@gmail.com or 251-979-3803. If you call, please leave a voicemail, like many of you I do not answer calls from unknown numbers. I will get back to you as soon as possible.
As information is solidified, you will receive updates regarding actual times, location, keynote speaker and topic, as well as other convention logistics and activities.