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Writer's pictureLeRoy Cossette


WE BELIEVE in freedom that is God given, affirmed by the Founding Fathers, articulated in the Declaration of Independence, and protected by the Constitution, which should be preserved, valued, and honored.

WE BELIEVE in strong families; families intent on giving their children the hope of a better tomorrow, the promise of a safe and secure today, and an appreciation and respect of yesterday.

WE BELIEVE that our country should value the sanctity of marriage, the rights of the unborn, religious liberty, and hard work.

WE BELIEVE that every child should have an equal opportunity to get a quality education; an educational system that prepares children for tomorrow's workplace regardless of race, wealth or geographical location. Education is the bedrock of freedom and the gateway to opportunity.

WE BELIEVE that keeping America safe and strong requires a strong military, growing the economy, energy independence, and secure borders.

WE BELIEVE that our veterans have earned our respect and gratitude and should not have to wait in line for months or years to see a doctor.

WE BELIEVE that America needs an immigration system that secures our border, upholds the law, and boosts our economy.

WE BELIEVE that we need to grow America's free enterprise economy so that hard-working Americans see better wages and more opportunity.

WE BELIEVE that Americans are entitled to principled and innovative leadership; leaders who possess an understanding of America's heritage and a clear vision for America's future; leadership that is unwavering in the face of criticism, steadfast when confronted with adversity, and committed to building a better country.

WE BELIEVE that individuals should take personal responsibility for their own actions and a

criminal justice system based on this idea.

WE BELIEVE in limited government; a government that promotes policies to unlock individual potential and unleash economic growth; and a government that does not try to be all things to all people.

WE BELIEVE that the Republican Party is the best vehicle for translating these ideals into positive and successful principles of government.

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