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Writer's picture: LeRoy CossetteLeRoy Cossette

January 13, 2025

Join the Patriots Society*

Fellow Conservatives,


Monday, Jan. 20th - 11:00 a.m.

On Monday, January 20th, your Haywood County (HC) Republican Party will host an Inauguration Celebration beginning at 11:00 a.m. We will gather at the HC GOP Headquarters at 297 N. Haywood St.

Let's join together and usher in The Dawn of A New Age with the Inauguration of our 47th President, Donald J. Trump.

Wear your patriotic best. Come and share the excitement of this moment with friends and families of the Republican Party.

We will begin with an early potluck luncheon at 11:00 a.m. Please bring a favorite dish to share: pasta, casseroles, salads, chips, salsa, veggie plates, charcuterie platters. We will provide water, coffee, and a few sodas, or you can bring your own. If you love to bake, we would appreciate having you bring a patriotic dessert - cupcakes, cake, cookies, pie, and anything yummy to enjoy.

At 12:00 p.m., we will sit together and watch the pageantry celebrating this incredible time in history. So many have worked hard to help make this inauguration possible, so let's enjoy it together!

If you have any questions, please call Connie Cronk, our HC GOP Event Coordinator at 919-649-0695.


The Haywood County (HC) Convention Planning Committee will meet on Thursday, January 16th at 6:30 p.m. at our headquarters.

HC GOP County Convention Chair - Vicki Reece - can use your assistance to help make our HC GOP convention another top-notch event.

Our Convention is scheduled for March 1st. At the Convention, we will vote on the leadership of our Precincts and the leadership of the HC GOP (Chair, Vice Chair, Second Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer). Each of these positions serves a 2 year term. We are in need of precinct leaders and HC GOP leaders who are committed to working together to promote Republican office holders and future candidates, along with promoting conservative values in Haywood County.


January 16th at 6:30 p.m. at our headquarters


In December, I requested to meet individually with each County Commissioner and our State Representative, Mark Pless, which I did. However, at the request of County Commission Chairman Ensley, I met with Ensley and Vice Chairman Bradon Rogers together.

I requested the meetings to see how we, as Republicans, could work better together to push forward a conservative agenda to benefit the citizens of Haywood County. I was disappointed and a bit surprised by what I was told in several of these meetings.

Evidently, I “poked the bear” when I asked our members to attend the Dec. 2nd County Commissioner’s meeting and stand up for our friends and neighbors who were victims of the wrath of Hurricane Helene. They accused me of spreading disinformation by attaching the video “Heroes or Zeroes” to my Dec. 1st Newsletter. In reality, most of the information in that video was based on an inconvenient truth.

So, what did they say that surprised me? Basically, I was told that the HCGOP was irrelevant to them!

We are spread thin, but we are NOT irrelevant! We are making a difference! We will continue to stand up and fight for conservative values and will continue to support the people of Haywood County.

I pose this question to each of you - Will you step up and join our team? We need your help, and here are two other ways that you can help in 2025.

To continue to support the people of Haywood County, we must keep up-to-date on what is discussed in our county meetings. We will use that information to inform others in our county. We need a few people to step up to serve on one of two county Boards and report back to the HC GOP. A brief written summary of each meeting is all that is needed. If you can come to the HC GOP monthly meetings and provide an update, that is good but is not required. This important activity should only take a few hours of time each month.

I am asking you to consider applying to serve on one of two Haywood County Boards:

• The Board of Equalization and Review (BOER) has five volunteer positions available. Appointees are compensated for their time. To learn more, CLICK HERE

• The Haywood County Planning Board has one opening for a Haywood resident. To learn more: CLICK HERE

• To download an application for either of these roles: CLICK HERE or pick it up at the County Manager’s office (8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Mon. - Fri. at the HC Courthouse, third floor, 215 North Main Street, Waynesville).

• Return completed applications to the County Manager’s Office or attach to an email to Haven B. Muse, Deputy Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners, at haven.muse@haywoodcountync.gov


God Bless,

Rick Stello

Haywood County GOP Chair


*What is the Patriots Society?

The Patriots Society is a group of committed conservatives that agree to make a monthly automatic or an annual automatic contribution to provide and sustain a funding base for the Haywood County GOP operations.

These operations support, encourage and work to elect men and women committed to our conservative values.

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