The 2024 elections will be upon us sooner than we think. If we are to save our Constitutional Republic, our heritage and culture, and our Constitution as written by our Founding Fathers, then every potential Republican voter must commit to being a confirmed voter. It is critical that we overwhelm the Democrats at the voter box to offset any attempt they may make to illegally sway the outcome.
The Marxist Democrat Party seems to always be one step ahead of us and we cannot allow this to be the case for the 2024 elections. In order for the Republican Party to win we are asking, pleading with each one of you to get involved to assure that the Marxist Democrats do not win leaving us without our 1st and 2nd Amendment rights to free speech, freedom of religious practice, freedom to be safe and secure, and our constitutional right to own and bear arms.
Make no mistake, if Republicans fail to set aside our internal differences and opinions regarding our candidate, and support and vote for the individual selected to be the Republican candidate, then our two-party system and our constitutional rights will end in 2024.